CLP Content

CLP Personal Development

Welcome to the personal development area of the Clinical Leadership Programme (CLP) hub. Here you will find a variety of resources – from top tip features and advice, videos, and  peer-reviewed articles — to help you develop the business skills you need to manage a team and run a service in practice today. You will also find resources to inform your own personal development to help you to become the clinical leader you want to be. 
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Personal Development Content
Patient Story
Patient Story
An introduction to evidence-based practice
An introduction to evidence-based practice
Writing for publication by Nicola Rusling
Writing for publication by Nicola Rusling
Can coaching be the answer to developing nurse leaders? by Catherine Best
Can coaching be the answer to developing nurse leaders? by Catherine Best
Compassion fatigue by Kate Upton
Compassion fatigue by Kate Upton
Watch the FB Live event - Fly Higher
Watch the FB Live event - Fly Higher
Business planning
Business Planning
CV writing
CV Writing
Interview Skills
Interview Skills
Writing for publication
Writing for publication
Project management
Project management
What does the future of digital hold for the clinical workforce
What does the future of digital hold for the clinical workforce?
Using social media to enhance nursing practice and patient safety
Using social media to enhance nursing practice and patient safety
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